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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, Part 3

Life is full of awkward moments.  Like that awkward moment when...

... you're caught laughing at someone's shirt, while taking a picture of it. And no one around you knows enough English to understand why it's so funny. forgot you were wearing Christmas socks, until you took off your shoes in someone's home, in the middle of March.

... your childhood obsession becomes a symbol for Hooters.

... you find out someone had been using your desk while you were out. They forgot to hide the evidence one day!

...your pastry is larger than your planner.  I'm half kidding, since this particular oversized dorayaki was actually a gift from someone. But there have been others...
...the student you randomly chose, to present in front of the class, had this to say about his summer vacation. Ok, I'm kidding about this one, too. Still an awkward response, though.


Paul said...

Haha. Oh life as an ALT. =)

Kelly Sensei said...

Haha Don't you miss it, Paul?